Accent Walls 101

An accent wall is simply a wall that has been designed to draw the eye and attract attention. While the easiest option for creating an accent wall is to use a contrasting paint color, there are plenty of other interesting options to create a focal point. Wallpaper, tile, and other textures add an interesting look to an area that needs attention.

Accent Walls

Which Wall?

Typically, the first wall the eye sees upon entering a room is the best choice for your accent wall. In some cases, the wall may already have a focus feature, like a built-in bookcase or fireplace. If so, look for ways you can draw even more attention to the feature by using a contrasting color or texture.

Which Color?

When chosen correctly, colored walls can make your room appear bigger, brighter, and more welcoming, by adding depth and dimension. If the space you’re decorating is large, colors in a warm palette will give the room a cozier feel. If the space is smaller, use a lighter color to make the room appear more spacious.

Do It Yourself

If you’re anxious about messes and mistakes while painting, or you want to use something more complicated like wallpaper or tile, calling a professional is always an option. However, painting an accent wall can make for a fun and affordable weekend project. You’ll need:

  • Painter’s tape
  • Paint (with primer)
  • Tarp
  • Roller and brush
  • Putty and scraper
  • Sandpaper

Tape off the area you’ll be painting, paying attention to baseboards, windows, crown moulding, etc. Use putty to fill in any holes and cracks or sandpaper to smooth any rough spots. Paint the accent wall using zig zag strokes with the roller, and cut into smaller areas with a brush.

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