Holidays or HoliDAZE? Avoid The Stress with our Helpful Tips

Where has the time gone? It feels like Halloween was just yesterday and yet, we’re all preparing for Thanksgiving next week. The end of the year seems to rush past and it can be hard to really enjoy the joys of the season. Never fear! We’ve compiled a list of the a few ways you can get a handle on holiday stress.


Plan Ahead

We know – plan ahead? The holidays are on top of us already! But you can still get ahead, believe it or not.

You just have to be more efficient. Get ready to make a list or two: figure out the most important things that you must do in order to survive the holidays (top gifts, top traditions, the most urgent items– including parties and house guests). Make clear priorities. The more you can prioritize, the easier everything will be in the moment. Go shopping, wrap presents as soon as you buy them, prepare for houseguests, and purchase any non-perishables you will need throughout the celebrations.

Take Time for Self-Care

Often, we get so wrapped up (no pun intended!) in taking care of everyone else’s holiday experience, we can forget about ourselves. Make a physical space within your home where you can escape the stress and don’t forget to schedule some time for self-care rituals like reading a book, taking a nap, or indulging in a bubble bath. Emotions are closer to the surface at the holidays, so making sure you have your own ways to destress is crucial.

Don’t Expect Everything to Go As Planned

Sometimes the best laid plans go awry. Neighbors and friends show up with unexpected gifts or goodies, dinner gets burned, presents don’t arrive on time. And if you aren’t naturally easy going, we’ve got a few ideas for you. Pick up a couple of generic, last-minute gifts (candles, wine, fruitcake, etc.) for visitors who pop in without notice. Pick up plenty of snacks for the family and even some oven-ready pizzas, just in case the worst should happen.

Keep Clutter in its Place

Excessive clutter will add to holiday stress, and unfortunately, you’ll probably have lots of it. Before guests arrive, do a deep clean of your home, clearing out junk mail, newspaper, schoolwork, and all the clutter-prone areas of your home, so you can start fresh. Another great solution is running a 5-minute cleaning blitz each evening. Get the kids involved and set a timer for tidying up the home with everyone’s help. It will do you all a world of good.

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